Recreation Facility Asset Management (RFAM) Software

Existing Partnerships

Built in partnership with Marmak Information Technologies, RFAM has been adopted and sponsored by the Ontario Recreation Facilities AssociationRecreation Facilities Association of British Columbia, Ontario Trails Council, Recreation Connections ManitobaRecreation PEI, Colorado Parks and Recreation AssociationU.S. Ice Rink Association, and the World Urban Parks

The Inventory module of RFAM is being offered free of charge to ORFA members as a membership service. Additional modules are also available at a monthly nominal fee.

Software Development

RFAM is constantly being updated to better suit its users. Updates include:
  • Asset Inventory

  • Preventative Maintenance/Inspections/Cleaning

  • Work Order Management

  • Asset Lifecycle Planning (Risk & Budget)

  • COVID-19 Screening & Contact Tracing

  • e-Warehouse (Tracking and Ordering supplies)

  • Smart Sensor Integration

  • And many more...

The Future

We invite all members to participate in a partnership and offer valuable input and support in the future development of RFAM.

Contact your local Association or reach out to Marmak for more information. or (905) 458-6686