2024 President's Report 

As ORFA president, I want to thank all our members for your dedication and support for the Association. Just as you work hard and evolve with the times in the recreation facilities profession, so does the ORFA team. We value expertise in the recreation facilities profession and the dedication to the professional, efficient and competent operation of recreation facilities.

I would like to extend a sincere thank-you to the ORFA staff along with the Board of Directors for their continued commitment and diligence on behalf of the Association and membership needs. I would also like to thank past presidents Cathy Seguin and Mark Reinert for their support and mentorship to ensure a smooth transition of ORFA Board responsibilities.

The ORFA Board of Directors and staff continue to operate under the established vision to be the leader in the recreation facilities profession. In early 2024, we undertook a review of our strategic plan and made updates to ensure ORFA continues to operate and function in a progressive manner, to move forward and continue to make a difference. Five key strategic objectives were established for 2024-2027:

1. Strategic Alliances: Align the ORFA with other organizations that advances the core business and creates positive end results.

2. Membership Services: Develop and deliver products and services that result in the retention of existing members and broaden representation from the industry that supports our core business.

3. Marketing and Communications: Position the ORFA as a progressive leader in the development and delivery of professional development programs, services and related resources.

4. Research and Development: Research industry innovations and professional development trends in order to create related products, services and resources that exceed sector needs and increase market share.

5. Professional Development and Recognition: Review, develop and deliver professional development opportunities to increase effectiveness of industry practitioners and annually recognize significant contributions of ORFA members or strategic alliances.

These goals cannot be realized solely by the board and staff. It also requires the outstanding support from Association members. Again, I say thank you.

Let us take a moment to celebrate 2024 accomplishments and milestones such as hosting the Outdoor Ice Symposium at The Bentway in Toronto, providing a variety of webinars as a benefit of membership and offering 3 delivery methods for quality professional development opportunities as well as offering practicum in person workshops. ORFA was present at key conferences to have engaging and educational dialogue with elected officials and senior municipal administrative personnel. And we continue to establish strong relationships with others such as TSSA and Public Health that helps move our profession forward. Behind every success lies dedicated hard-working staff who are the gems of our Association. You will not find a team more passionate who supports our core business which is the research and dissemination of information that has value to the recreation facilities profession. Please take a moment to thank them. The recognition is well deserved.

At this point there are a few Board members moving on from their role with the ORFA. I would like to extend a sincere thank-you to these people for their service to the Association and wish them well with all future endeavours. With the parting of these members, we will see a few new faces on the Board of Directors for 2025-26. I would like to thank them along with the returning executive members for their commitment in fulfilling these leadership roles.

We look forward to hosting the Aging Recreation Infrastructure Symposium in 2025 as well as ongoing implementation of the new strategic plan. We value ongoing communication with our members and will continue to seek ways we can make a difference to others in the recreation facilities profession.

Yours in recreation,

Amy Gangl, CRFP, CAT
President and Chair of the Board

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