August 1, 2024

The recent Ontario Lacrosse Association (OLA) Minor Box Spectator Conduct notice (July 29, 2024) once again reminds facility management of the importance of clearly identifying roles and responsibilities in user contracts. The OLA Notice is a reminder from the OLA Board of Directors of appropriate spectator behaviour by all stakeholders in advance of their Ontario Lacrosse Festival Provincial Championships occurring Aug 2-11th, 2024.

The OLA notice reminds their members that “alcohol is prohibited from minor lacrosse games, tournaments or events”. This policy is a reminder to event coordinators and building owners that alcohol is permitted only under a Special Occasion Permit (SOP) or within a licenced area of a property where a licence has been issued by the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO). Consumption of alcohol on public property without a proper permit and without owner approval as per applicable local by-law or policy is in fact prohibited under the Ontario Liquor License Act. Please refer to:

The ORFA has made extreme efforts to remind all organized sport organizations that they are guests under a contractual agreement for privileged use of a public facility, and as such owner and facility policy will always be the guiding principles of the relationship. It is essential that facility management clearly define limitations, roles, responsibilities and codes of conduct in sport user contracts. The contract should identify who is responsible for security or paid duty officers at significant events while ensuring these requirements meet the Ontario Private and Investigative Security Guard Act. Please refer to: .The ORFA “Is it Time to Refresh Your facility Contract” guideline may also be helpful in reviewing and understanding this responsibility.

The relationship between facility owners and sport users is an extremely important part of overall operations and positive experiences by all facility users and staff. To that end, it is important that facility management be in control of all activities that occur in their facilities or on their property. The ORFA recognizes the leadership being presented by OLA Board of Directors in identifying an issue and acting in a responsible manner. The Ontario Lacrosse Festival Provincial Championships is scheduled at dedicated facilities as part of an annual event. However, it is a good reminder for all ORFA member facilities and sport host locations to be aware of these emerging issues and take appropriate action to ensure adequate control measures are in place.